Art & Craft

 Art and Craft Lab for Junior Students:

Our younger students colourful and interesting Art & Craft Lab is made to inspire their imagination and creativity. This designated area, which is furnished with kid-friendly supplies and tools, enables our young artists to experiment with a variety of media, including sculpture, collage, painting, and sketching. Students hone their artistic abilities while having fun and expressing themselves via vibrant creations under the direction of our knowledgeable tutors.

Art and Craft Lab for Senior Students:

Senior students may sharpen their artistic skills in the dynamic environment of our well-equipped Art and Craft Lab. Students can explore a variety of art categories, such as printmaking, ceramics, graphic design, and mixed media, using a wide range of art supplies and sophisticated technologies. Here, individuals can practise, refine their artistic vision, and exercise critical thought, deepening their understanding of the world of art. Our knowledgeable faculty provides direction so that students can fully express their creativity.

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